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Jobber worden

    6 uur of service
    Lelystad - Golfresort (8241 CS)
    Assembling the IKEA Pax Wardrobe
    6 uur of service
    Haarlem (2011 PG)
    Hello, I need montage services for my IKEA order which includes PAX wardrobe (5 doors), a basic 160*200 bed, Sofa, Hemnes 3 drawers chest, TV bench of 160*50 and a coffee table and bedside table. Could you please give me a pricing offer for the services above? Thanks in advance Sezgi
    4 uur of service
    Amsterdam - Rijnbuurt-Midden (1079 WV)
    Hoorn - Kersenboogerd-Zuid - Buurt 33 08 (1628 WP)
    2 uur 30 of service
    Almere - Bouwmeesterbuurt Noord (1333 ML)
    6 uur of service
    Utrecht - Terwijde-West (3543 BH)
    Hoorn - Kersenboogerd-Zuid - Buurt 33 08 (1628 WP)
    6 uur of service
    Amsterdam (1105)
    2 pax cupboards and 1 koppang side cabinet
    6 uur of service
    Amsterdam - NDSM terrein (1033 DB)
    2 pax cupboards and 1 koppang side cabinet
    6 uur of service
    Amsterdam - NDSM terrein (1033 DB)
    4 uur of service
    Amsterdam - NDSM terrein (1033 DB)
    Ikea PAX wardrobe - 3m x 2,3m
    3 uur of service
    Amsterdam (1091 TH)
    Hello, we are looking for a handyman to assemble IKEA furniture for us, specifically 3 closets (one larger three-door closet, two smaller two-door closets). WE CAN ALSO ARRANGE A DIFFERENT DATE OR A LONGER/SHORTER TIME SLOT, please contact us so that we can negotiate based on your preferences. thank you in advance!
    6 uur of service
    Utrecht - Welgelegen, Den Hommel (3533 JS)
    Hi we need to have 3 pieces of furniture assembled. One 3 doors Brimnes wardrobe and two 2 doors Brimnes wardrobe.
    4 uur of service
    Utrecht (3533 JS)
    Hello. We have bought three closets from IKEA for our new home. One is a three door closet and the other two have just two doors each. All belong to the BRIMNES product family. - 1x IKEA Brimnes with 3 doors - 2x IKEA Brimnes with 2 doors each We would like to have them assembled sometime next week. We live in Utrecht in the Oog en AI neighbourhood. Thanks!
    4 uur of service
    Utrecht (3533 JS)