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Wilt u uw inkomen aanvullen of uw bedrijf voor dienstverlening aan huis starten?

Jobber worden

    it is Ikea bed with storage.
    3 uur 30 of service
    Groningen (9711)
    it is Ikea bed.
    2 uur 30 of service
    Groningen (9711)
    Hello, we are looking for a handyman to assemble IKEA furniture for us, specifically 3 closets (one larger three-door closet, two smaller two-door closets). WE CAN ALSO ARRANGE A DIFFERENT DATE OR A LONGER/SHORTER TIME SLOT, please contact us so that we can negotiate based on your preferences. thank you in advance!
    4 uur of service
    Utrecht - Welgelegen, Den Hommel (3533 JS)
    Installation of 2 IKEA systems: SKYTTA sliding doors and BOAXEL wardrobe
    8 uur of service
    Amsterdam - Rembrandtpark-Zuid (1058 ET)
    Installation of 2 ikea systems: SKYTTA sliding doors and BOAXEL wardrobe
    6 uur of service
    Amsterdam - Rembrandtpark-Zuid (1058 ET)
    Hello! We are urgently looking for a handyman to assemble IKEA furniture for us. 7 January is the preferred date. but we are also happy to defer it further as long as the task can be completed this week. We also indicated a 6-hour time window, but we are happy for a handyman to come on two different days for 2-3 hours. the furniture is the following: 1 Ikea Brimnes (three-door closet), 2 Ikea Brimnes (two-door closets) Ikea Malm (drawers), Ikea Bissa ((shoe drawer), Ikea Malm (bedside table) Ikea Kullen (bedside table). thank you in advance!
    6 uur of service
    Utrecht - Welgelegen, Den Hommel (3533 JS)
    6 uur of service
    Utrecht (3533 JS)
    Installation of 2 ikea systems: SKYTTA sliding doors and BOAXEL wardrobe
    6 uur of service
    Amsterdam - Rembrandtpark-Zuid (1058 ET)
    Hi, we are moving to a new house and we would like to have some of the IKEA furniture assembled on January 7th. Here is the list of furniture: - Two beds: Ikea Sognesand Bed Frame 140x200 + 2 Lonset slatted bed base + 2 storage boxes for one of the beds - One 3-door wardrobe: Ikea Brimnes - Two 2-door wardrobes: Ikea Brimnes - One chest of drawers: Ikea Malm - One shoe cabinet: Ikea Bissa
    6 uur of service
    Utrecht (3533 JS)
    Hi, we are moving to a new house and we would like to have some of the IKEA furniture assembled on January 7th. Here is the list of furniture: - Two beds: Ikea Sognesand Bed Frame 140x200 + 2 Lonset slatted bed base + 2 storage boxes for one of the beds - One 3-door wardrobe: Ikea Brimnes - Two 2-door wardrobes: Ikea Brimnes - - One chest of drawers: Ikea Malm - One shoe cabinet: Ikea Bissa
    6 uur of service
    Utrecht (3533 JS)
    Hi Bulent, would you available next week to assemble few Ikea furniture items? Best would be on 7th but other days would be fine too. It's 2 double beds, 3 wardrobes, 1 chest of drawers, one shoe cabinet, 2 bedside tables. Thanks!
    6 uur of service
    Utrecht (3533 JS)
    Hi, we are moving to a new house and we would like to have some of the IKEA furniture assembled on January 7th. Here is the list of furniture: - Two beds: Ikea Sognesand Bed Frame 140x200 + 2 Lonset slatted bed base + 2 storage boxes for one of the beds - One 3-door wardrobe: Ikea Brimnes - Two 2-door wardrobes: Ikea Brimnes - One chest of drawers: Ikea Malm - One shoe cabinet: Ikea Bissa - One bedside drawer: Ikea Malm - One bedside drawe: Ikea Kullen
    6 uur of service
    Utrecht (3533 JS)
    Hi, we are moving to a new house and we would like to have some of the IKEA furniture assembled on January 7th. Here is the list of furniture: - Two beds: Ikea Sognesand Bed Frame 140x200 + 2 Lonset slatted bed base + 2 storage boxes for one of the beds - One 3-door wardrobe: Ikea Brimnes - Two 2-door wardrobes: Ikea Brimnes - One chest of drawers: Ikea Malm - One shoe cabinet: Ikea Bissa - One bedside drawer: Ikea Malm - One bedside drawe: Ikea Kullen Hi, we are moving to a new house and we would like to have some of the IKEA furniture assembled on January 7th. Here is the list of furniture: - Two beds: Ikea Sognesand Bed Frame 140x200 + 2 Lonset slatted bed base + 2 storage boxes for one of the beds - One 3-door wardrobe: Ikea Brimnes - Two 2-door wardrobes: Ikea Brimnes - One chest of drawers: Ikea Malm - One shoe cabinet: Ikea Bissa - One bedside drawer: Ikea Malm - One bedside drawe: Ikea Kullen
    4 uur of service
    Utrecht (3533 JS)
    Hi, we are moving to a new house and we would like to have some of the IKEA furniture assembled on January 7th. Here is the list of furniture: - Two beds: Ikea Sognesand Bed Frame 140x200 + 2 Lonset slatted bed base + 2 storage boxes for one of the beds - One 3-door wardrobe: Ikea Brimnes - Two 2-door wardrobes: Ikea Brimnes - One chest of drawers: Ikea Malm - One shoe cabinet: Ikea Bissa - One bedside drawer: Ikea Malm - One bedside drawe: Ikea Kullen
    4 uur of service
    Utrecht (3533 JS)
    Hi, we are moving to a new house and we would like to have some of the IKEA furniture assembled on January 7th. Here is the list of furniture: - Two beds: Ikea Sognesand Bed Frame 140x200 + 2 Lonset slatted bed base + 2 storage boxes for one of the beds - One 3-door wardrobe: Ikea Brimnes - Two 2-door wardrobes: Ikea Brimnes
    2 uur of service
    Utrecht (3533 JS)